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ISBN 9781846287367

Astrophysics is Easy! An Introduction for the Amateur Astronomer

Inglis, Mike (Springer, 2007) - Naturvetenskap Särskilda himlakroppar & fenomen Engelska, 204 sidor

Astrophysics is often - with some justification - regarded as incomprehensible without at least degree-level mathematics. Consequently, many amateur astronomers skip the math, and miss out on the fascinating fundamentals of the subject. In Astrophysics Is Easy! Mike Inglis takes a quantitative approach to astrophysics that cuts through the incomprehensible mathematics, and explains the basics of astrophysics in accessible terms. The reader can view objects under discussion with commercial amateur equipment. Tools of the Trade -- The Interstellar Medium -- Stars -- Galaxies -- Appendix 1: Degeneracy


Astronomy Astrophysics Popular Science Popular Science in Astronomy Springer e-books